lukaszW75: _33A4086
patricia.hoedts: Trist - Cisticola buitron - Zitting cisticola - Cisticole des joncs - Cisticola juncidis
pat.giacobi: Mésange à longue queue (Juv) -Long-tailed Tit (juv )
laurent_arasco: himantopus himantopus
laurent_arasco: Ibis falcinelle
laurent_arasco: spatule blanche
laurent_arasco: aigrette sanguine
jasonmoore151: Giraffes - Shompole
lukaszW75: 390A1945
christianeleouet1: Demi deuil et pastels.......
WhiteEye2: Mom, you're the best!
patricia.hoedts: Abellerol comu - Abejaruco europeo - European bee-eate - Guêpier d'Europe - Merops apiasterr
bernard.ottevaere1: DSC08042-jolie orchis blanche et saumon !
SASPhotography67: Sneaky Pine Martin…
lukaszW75: 390A7229
RGL Photography: Barred Owl | Strix varia | 2023 - 45
Oeil Sauvage: monticole-bleu
RGL Photography: Keel-billed Toucan | Ramphastos sulfuratus | 2023 - 1
RGL Photography: Keel-billed Toucan | Ramphastos sulfuratus | 2023 - 2
RGL Photography: Resplendent Quetzal | Pharomachrus mocinno | 2023 - 2
ailefroide51: Hibou moyen duc au réveil
Bruno Conjeaud: And suddenly, reaching from the deep shadows... (Tribute to the International Jaguar Day)
Mobile Lynn: Keel-billed Toucan - Food pass 851_0923.jpg
Peter Quinn1: Semipalmated Plover
sandra bourgeois: Chardonneret jaune - American goldfinch
Tifaeris: Puffin yelkouan (Puffinus yelkouan)
Tifaeris: Plongeon catmarin (Gavia stellata)
Tifaeris: Plongeon catmarin (Gavia stellata)