boonloke: GIFT OF LOVE
zimorodek: Common Loon with Mallards, American Coots, and American Wigeon. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
vinamaster: Anna's Hummingbird
vinamaster: Great Egret - In Explore! ⭐ November 16, 2024
greensteves: Reservoir Flight
(bbarsalo): OEdicnème bridé - Burhinus grallarius - Bush Stone-curlew
(bbarsalo): Sarcelle d'hiver - Anas crecca - Eurasian Teal
Gerald (Wayne) Prout: Green Heron (Butorides virescens)
Nuno Xavier Moreira: "Bufa-de-velha" (Lycoperdon perlatum)
Ryan_Dobson: Orange Fly
Ryan_Dobson: Pine tree spur-throat
Ryan_Dobson: Leaf-footed bug nymph