taraluci: Grande sicomoro
jmvnoos in Paris: Arcades at Invalides
M.Pat: Alexander Platz - Version X
Luisa...: Asturias
M.Pat: ...
jmvnoos in Paris: The couple
seier+seier: le corbusier, maisons jaoul, neuilly-sur-seine, paris, france, 1951-1955. house A
Winkelkanu - Jürgen Heckel: P165 - 19Nov2011
blasaure: Trees
jmvnoos in Paris: Aux Charpentiers
blasaure: Tunnel
seier+seier: jørn utzon, bagsværd kirke - bagsvaerd church, copenhagen 1967-1976
seier+seier: wells cathedral, choir vaults
Т E R E S Λ R O M Λ N O: Bari as tilt shift
Т E R E S Λ R O M Λ N O: Lost in city lights
Т E R E S Λ R O M Λ N O: Lost in city lights
Т E R E S Λ R O M Λ N O: Lost in city lights
Т E R E S Λ R O M Λ N O: Focus on the rain
bgiebink: The most narrow building in Paris
bgiebink: View from my desk
weyerdk: Ciudad de Justicia Barcelona
M.Pat: parking paradise
M.Pat: Bad dog
weyerdk: NHM