Myrfyn: lapwing
Myrfyn: redwing
Myrfyn: curlew
geo.90: Redwing
geo.90: Black Redstart 1
geo.90: Black Redstart 2
ianpreston: Reed Bunting DSCN8274
ianpreston: Redshank- Fairhaven Lake DSCN8362
ianpreston: Lytham Windmill and old lifeboat station DSCN8474
ianpreston: Granny's Bay DSCN8509
Nicholas1284: A Windy Kinder
Nicholas1284: Frozen
geo.90: Brambling
geo.90: Foraging in the Leaves
geo.90: Blue Tit and perch
geo.90: Sparrowhawk on patrol
geo.90: Little Owl sunbathing
geo.90: On the Hunt
ianpreston: Turnstone DSCN8033
ianpreston: Nuthatch DSCN8146
ianpreston: Warming his feet DSCN8239
Mike Barth Photography: White-billed Diver (Gavia adamsii)
Mike Barth Photography: Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus)
Mike Barth Photography: Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)
Nicholas1284: The Roaches
Nicholas1284: The Roaches
Ann Rane: Bullfinch-female
Ann Rane: Bullfinch-male
Ann Rane: Coal Tit
Ann Rane: Woodpecker