CatherineHale: For the weekly theme!
mvblair1: Alajuela Central Park
messer.christophe: Ponts Couverts Strasbourg 18-2-2020
Rich Polinski: A view near Easton, PA
s.lehoux-arts: Lac Daumesnil en hiver
CatherineHale: Trash Day!
betty1819n2: Antony- france
Rich Polinski: After the rain in Easton, PA
krycha.croquis: 66° Sketchcrawl: Place de la Cathédrale Strasbourg
Graham Beards: Bridge over the Darro
CatherineHale: Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History, Brussels
cvskribiloj: vendeur de rue
CatherineHale: "La Maison d'Erasme" - the writing desk
nina_ru.judson: Urban sketch of the Post Office in Livermore, CO.
Daniel Castro Alonso: Correus i Telègrafs
RedHarp: 2019 0321 Renton fire hydrant
arqjose75: Higuerillas, Concón
Miatagrrl: 11-5-18 Zoka Coffee, Seattle
Miatagrrl: 12-3-18 Zoka Coffee, Seattle
utnapishtiy1: Winter night in Moscow
arqjose75: Higuerillas, Club de yates
marikestokker: 16 dec-2018 Herenbrug, Utrecht
kipbradle: Isle of hope ga
kipbradle: Telfair square sac ga
kipbradle: IMG_20181012_134111
jaguarish: 2015-11-01 Anya in the park
Daniel Castro Alonso: Cinema Titán
Daniel Castro Alonso: C/ de Pedregar i de les Beates
art_bat: Новоспасский / 19x38 cm / plein air watercolor.