environmentaleducation: On the way to a special treat . . . IMG_2549
environmentaleducation: "On the left side of that Douglas-fir" . . . IMG_2557
environmentaleducation: Larry's superb Swarovski spotting scope . . . IMG_2552
environmentaleducation: ('digiscoped' with binoculars) . . . IMG_2554
environmentaleducation: Our first view of the Common Raven Nest through the Swarovski scope. . . IMG_2555
environmentaleducation: video of Empty Nest through the Swarovski scope . . . IMG_2556
environmentaleducation: Common Raven spotted nearby consuming some sort of prey . . . IMG_2558
environmentaleducation: Adult took remainder of prey to nest (in the first seconds, one "open mouth" is visible). Also, we hear various vocalizations including Brown Creeper . . . IMG_2559-2
environmentaleducation: (partial prior clip) . . . IMG_2559
environmentaleducation: A Red-breasted Sapsucker almost certainly made these holes . . . IMG_2563
environmentaleducation: A past Barred Owl nest hole site, found by Larry . . . IMG_2564
environmentaleducation: After we "had" both Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglets and heard Hutton's Vireo . . . IMG_2566
environmentaleducation: RCKI top, HUVI bottom, GCKI right . . . (thank you Larry for your fabulous photos!) . . . IMG_2567
environmentaleducation: Mallard male with 'ducktail' . . . IMG_2569
environmentaleducation: Better view of his 'ducktail' . . . IMG_2571
environmentaleducation: A fortuitous 'split' in this beech tree . . . IMG_2574
environmentaleducation: ... has deeper holes near the top, and we thank Larry's careful observation skills, for noting that . . . IMG_2573
environmentaleducation: One of the BRCR pair re-entering the nest hole: could it be food on this trip? . . . IMG_2580
environmentaleducation: View of the adult female Bald Eagle ("Eva") low in the nest suggesting incubation, all thanks to Larry! . . . IMG_2575