environmentaleducation: Yes, that is snow! . . . . IMG_2717
environmentaleducation: UW Crew HIstory, with Common Mergansers on patrol . . . . IMG_2723
environmentaleducation: Beneath the Osprey Platform (which has not been occupied for years), are 2 gourds hung in March 2021. . . . IMG_2737
environmentaleducation: WODU box #3 (which also has a small box, blocked on purpose). . . . IMG_2741
environmentaleducation: Two gourds to be suspended from a 2 x 2" . . . . IMG_2742
environmentaleducation: (Yes, Larry walks on water, in my view) . . . . IMG_2745
environmentaleducation: These are natural gourds, with a glued on 'rain cover' on a few . . . . IMG_2759
environmentaleducation: The location of these two new gourds is hard to see from the Fill . . . . IMG_2760
environmentaleducation: 2 gourds were hung in May 2021 on WODU box#5, and at least 3 clutches of eggs have fledged young. The PUMA who arrive later have had to compete with TRES . . . . IMG_2762
environmentaleducation: Down with the old "veteran" gourds, and up with the new! . . . . IMG_2765
environmentaleducation: "If you hang it, they will come." (from Brazil where most have spent the winter) . . . . IMG_2766
environmentaleducation: These will hopefully be a nice "homecoming" surprise to those who used the site before . . . . IMG_2767
environmentaleducation: We would expect the earliest PUMA scouts to arrive in our region in April . . . . IMG_2768