environmentaleducation: Theodore B. Thomas . . . IMG_0183
environmentaleducation: ? internodal distance . . . IMG_0185
environmentaleducation: Red Elderberry . . . IMG_0182
environmentaleducation: Nootka and Dog Rose . . . IMG_0190
environmentaleducation: Bald Hip Rose . . . IMG_0191
environmentaleducation: Thimbleberry and Salmonberry . . . IMG_0198
environmentaleducation: Galls in thimbleberry . . . IMG_0204
environmentaleducation: Beaked Hazelnut . . . IMG_0200
environmentaleducation: Spirea . . . IMG_0207
environmentaleducation: horizontal lenticels, Red Alder? . . . IMG_0208
environmentaleducation: Evergreen Huckleberry . . . IMG_0210