environmentaleducation: In memory of and as tribute to Kevin Li, who worked tirelessly to support Purple Martins (PUMA) in our Puget Sound region, including at this site (Terminal 91, Smith Cove) ... IMG_4682
environmentaleducation: Gourds are maintained annually by King County and WDFW volunteers ... IMG_3112
environmentaleducation: August is fledging time, just weeks prior to migration to South America (!) ... IMG_4676
environmentaleducation: All of a sudden, we heard and saw a "splash" (Lindsay's video) ... MVI_3032
environmentaleducation: (a different view) Katie does the butterfly! ... MVI_4668
environmentaleducation: Little evidence of change in behavior by the 'dry' birds ... MVI_4670
environmentaleducation: Quite difficult to locate 'the spot' from our observation site... MVI_4669
environmentaleducation: We had to locate her from the path above ... IMG_4671
environmentaleducation: (almost 5P) watching now from the rocks ... IMG_4692
environmentaleducation: Meanwhile at the gourds, life must go on? ... MVI_4696
environmentaleducation: Decision time. After ~one hour observation, and fearing the rising tide (and crows, GBHE, rats and other predators in the night) ... IMG_3129