environmentaleducation: Norther Flicker (male) ... IMG_5740
environmentaleducation: "close-up" of strange HAIR-DO, courtesy of G Starkebaum
environmentaleducation: Distingushing Flickers
environmentaleducation: "intro" to Intergrade NOFL (hybrid)
environmentaleducation: Thornton Creek originates in Shoreline, and empties into Lake Washington. right here in Matthews Beach Park. Read more about the watershed! See below. ... IMG_5765
environmentaleducation: Wood Duck (male) ... IMG_5755
environmentaleducation: Wood Duck (female) ... IMG_5760
environmentaleducation: Northern Pintail (female) ... IMG_5759
environmentaleducation: Northern Pintails (NOPI) in flight; with gorgeous "speculum" colors
environmentaleducation: (non-native) ?Cypress with red male cones and larger brown female cones ... IMG_5774