environmentaleducation: After a visit to some nearby wetlands, Peter and I stopped at this well-known marina. As soon as we exited the car, I could hear PUMA! Then, it was a little observation, a bit of searching. And voila! ....IMG_6430
environmentaleducation: WDFW Staff was monitoring fishing boats hauling out. Yes, she had seen PUMA, but didn't know where they were nesting. "I see them sitting in that big tree at times." ... IMG_6370
environmentaleducation: Boats and trucks travelled up and down this ramp, constantly ... IMG_8576
environmentaleducation: Wait ... That flying adult I was watching. Where did it go? ... IMG_6386
environmentaleducation: (that 'spike' of wood correlates to a branch attachment of yore: an 'embedded knot') ... IMG_6396
environmentaleducation: That fabulous sound of PUMA calling! Boats and boaters and noise all around ... and much closer to the nest: perhaps *this* adult vocalizing was concerned over a stranger standing far away, but looking at the nest? ... MVI_6404