environmentaleducation: Fort Lawton Cemetery, Oct 2020
environmentaleducation: Dome Web Spider footage (large)
environmentaleducation: Wolf Spider (720p)
environmentaleducation: "Spider Sweep and Sheet Shake" 11.4.20
environmentaleducation: "Spider Sweep and Sheet Shake" (draft) made with iMovie
environmentaleducation: A Bit About Spiders (and their webs)
environmentaleducation: A Visit to the Birdy Side of Smith Cove (FINAL)
environmentaleducation: Lake City, Kingfisher Natural Area - Thornton Creek (video 2)
environmentaleducation: Lake City Neighborhood (video 1)
environmentaleducation: South Park Duwamish Bird Habitat (video 2)
environmentaleducation: South Park Neighborhood (video 1)
environmentaleducation: Beacon Hill Bird Habitat (video 2)
environmentaleducation: Beacon Hill Neighborhood (video 1)
environmentaleducation: High Point Bird Habitat (video 2)
environmentaleducation: High Point Neighborhood (video 1)
environmentaleducation: Rainier Beach Bird Habitat (video 2)
environmentaleducation: Rainier Beach Neighborhood (video 1)
environmentaleducation: "Mayhem on Beacon Hill"
environmentaleducation: Tribute to Burke Bird Prep
environmentaleducation: A Visit to Smith Cove - Purple Martins
environmentaleducation: A Visit to the Birdy Side of Smith Cove (7.21.20)
environmentaleducation: Pritchard Beach "test" (short) ... 5 min 20 sec
environmentaleducation: Kris and Me, PARADISE 8.10.20