environmentaleducation: In March 2019, Elaine visited Heidi at her new digs, The Hearthstone ... to do a little interview with this remarkable individual and champion of our environment (Heron Habitat Helpers, Discovery Park Advisory Council, etcetera) ... IMG_6524
environmentaleducation: Heidi Carpine describing some of her important roles, focusing on Great Blue Herons. Here, how she worked with developers near the Kiwanis Ravine... and Heron Habitat Helpers...MVI_6521 - Part A
environmentaleducation: Heidi Carpine describing some of her important roles, focusing on Great Blue Herons. Here, mentioning Heron Habitat Helpers and the re-establshed nesting site at Commodore Park... MVI_6521 - Part B
environmentaleducation: Heidi Carpine describing some of her important roles, focusing on Great Blue Herons. Here, with Heron Habitat Helpers, successfully petitioning for the GBHE to become the official bird of Seattle... MVI_6521 - Part C
environmentaleducation: Welcome! From the Great Blue Heron Lady ... IMG_6544
environmentaleducation: Heidi and Elaine, and her GBHE ... IMG_6547
environmentaleducation: In 2005, Heidi's dedication and work was acknowledged by the Seattle Audubon Society ... IMG_6549
environmentaleducation: In 2005, Heidi's dedication and work was acknowledged by the Seattle Audubon Society ... IMG_6550
environmentaleducation: Ah, from the cherished good ol' days, when one could be close to your loved ones! ... IMG_6523
environmentaleducation: TOO CLOSE Great Blue Heron