robinstewart.smith: SNCF Class 67400 - 67605 etc Abbeville Station - 16.iv.2000
robinstewart.smith: CFBS Mallet E164 (1905) St Valery Ville Bank - 22.iv.2006
robinstewart.smith: CFBS Haine Pierre 2-6-0T No 15 waits at Le Crotoy Station with a service train to Noyelles-sur-Mer (connecting with the SNCF mainline station) and St Valery (Baie de Somme Railway) on 21st July 2006
robinstewart.smith: Chemin e Fer Baie de Somme (CFBS) 4-6-0T E332 heads a vintage stock working approaching St Valery Canal Station and Depot on 21st September 2016
robinstewart.smith: SNCF Transport Express Regional (TER) "Le Petit Train Jaune' No 118 at Mont Louis La Carbanasse on 21st June 2009
robinstewart.smith: Chemin de Faire Baie de Somme - 2-6-0T Corpet No 1 'Aisne' approaches St Valery Canal Station and the CFBS Depot over the Bay de Somme Causeway on 23rd September 2014
robinstewart.smith: Eurostar Class 373 No 3014 Haute-Picardie Station - 19.vii.2006
robinstewart.smith: CFBS Corpet-Louvet No 1 'Aisne' St Valery Canal Station - 23.ix.2014
robinstewart.smith: CFBS Corpet-Louvet No 1 'Aisne' mixed train Morlay - 22.ix.2014
robinstewart.smith: SNCF 230-G353 Paimpol 1445 Departure to Pontrieux - 16.viii.2000
robinstewart.smith: CFBS Reseau-Breton 4-6-0T E332 Cayeux-sur-Mer - 25.ix.2014
robinstewart.smith: SNCF/Fertis/BR 58015 & 56117 + 56059 & 56060 Beaurite and Evres LGV-Est Ballast -
robinstewart.smith: SNCF Pacific 231-K8 on 'Fleche d'Or' Amiens Station - 16.v.2004
robinstewart.smith: SNCF Bo-Bo 67533 & 567600 Abbeville Station - 25.iv.2009
robinstewart.smith: BR/TSO Class 58 58050 & 58007 SNCF TGV Meuse Station Nr Deuxnouds LGV-Est -
robinstewart.smith: SNCF Pacific No 231 K8 Longpre-Les-Corps - 22.iv.2006
robinstewart.smith: CFBS Pinguely No 101 (1905) Vintage Mixed Train approaching St Valery Canal - 20.ix.2016