micke.eblom: Before and after
micke.eblom: Sleepless night
micke.eblom: Kapten Röd
micke.eblom: Red flower
micke.eblom: Once in a lifetime
micke.eblom: Crouching bird hidden worm
micke.eblom: Serenitree
micke.eblom: Still learning
micke.eblom: Even the most cloudy days can end in beauty
micke.eblom: Blue eyed crow
micke.eblom: Tried out my new Olympus Zuiko 200mm f4 in the city park.
micke.eblom: My first sunset photo with a DSLR
micke.eblom: Finally got the sunset
micke.eblom: Sunset to my left and the moon to my right
micke.eblom: Haven't quite yet figured out if portrait photography is something for me
micke.eblom: Using focus peaking on my Canon 6D makes the Olympus Zuiko 135mm 2.8f manual focus so easy
micke.eblom: Testing out the macro on my Canon 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM
micke.eblom: Summer is coming