Yorch Seif: El vigía
The Manic Macrographer: M.W.I. - That Everett Interpretation
doherty_jody: water drops
mongaral: Gaudi drop
flashfix: Bird Watcher **Explored**
bdg-photography: Macro - Grasshopper
Patrick Foto ;): Smiley family
andrew.kohler: family photo framed 2017
Dalia Drulia: framed
Team Louish: Framed Family Photo
dankos-unlmtd: Portrait (Brothers, side-face)
robertohevens: Family face
Katta of Sweden: A clown and a serious one
fede1845: Family
michaelketzenberg: ČDC 122.002-9
Doug.King: Drift #1346
里卡豆: 一夜星空|合歡山
petrjiroudek: DSCF9305
particlefountain: Ruggles Family Christmas 2012
AdiStoPhotography: Macro Mondays - Vowel