victor.chen@fIickr: Heavy metal
victor.chen@fIickr: Saint-Lazare
victor.chen@fIickr: Mountain and sea
victor.chen@fIickr: Notre Dame
Philippe Morin Ganet: Paris 2024 à Vélo
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Speed Graphic+Aero Ektar by MPP 4x5
Raul Kraier: Pictorial
sus@: das erste Licht am Morgen
heinzkren: Mr. X
karl11irle22: Apart from that
alexcalver: Derbyshire Waterfall Patagonia Later Autumn
Gladys Klip: Waterhoen / Moorhen / Poule d'eau
AndreaCT78: S.Agata 2024 - Fercolo 3.1
AndreaCT78: S.Agata 2024 - Uscita Duomo 1.2
frankmartinroth: Tempus Fugit
Trevor Dobson: Summer Milky Way at York, Western Australia
Jean-Michel Priaux: The yellow home The House and the Lights
Anthony White: Sunrise over Kilchurn Castle
Pedro Abadía: I Know It´s Over ( The Smiths )
cs_hammer: Matt's Creek Wildfire, Virginia, USA