Cherie Langer: Largo Brandybuck and his Shadowfax soap box derby racer..
Cherie Langer: Considering
Cherie Langer: Sissy Selfie
Cherie Langer: Will, visiting the Seng Guan Temple, Manila
Cherie Langer: Cyberpunk Assassin Robots :: "The merest scratch will do."
Cherie Langer: "Salute, turn, ten paces, and fire... One, Two, Three, Four"
Cherie Langer: Joani and Paula in Cyberpunk Latex
Cherie Langer: Will, at the ancient ruins in Morong Bataan
Cherie Langer: Approaching the New Babbage Aerodrome
Cherie Langer: "These might do."
Cherie Langer: "Moms out of sight. You'll be my Maid for the next two weeks. Come along sissy, lets get you into your uniform!"
Cherie Langer: Finding Wrackspurts to be unexpectedly beautiful
Cherie Langer: Paula: Day Job: Attorney
Cherie Langer: The Empress of Mars
Cherie Langer: "Short hair just works better in helmets, that's why!"
Cherie Langer: The Future Mrs. Dunstan
Cherie Langer: The Maids Quarters
Cherie Langer: The deceptively innocent looking Lady Raven
Cherie Langer: Anime Cat Girl Maid Cosplay
Cherie Langer: Inventor Oglethorpe, tipping his hat to the onlookers from the ground support vehicle
Cherie Langer: "Go and tell his Lordship's valet, that we're ready to go now."
Cherie Langer: Hufflepuff in the Room of Requirement
Cherie Langer: nikki in the garden with parasol
Cherie Langer: "Sorry, can't stop to chat today, I'm off to the Crystal Palace Exhibition
Cherie Langer: Georgiana Darcy with Lady Catherine de Bourgh
Cherie Langer: "The First Contact negotiations are at a bit of an impasse at the moment. but I'm confident we'll soon get it all sorted out!"
Cherie Langer: "But why do I have to wear this?"
Cherie Langer: The Easter Parade 1910, Fifth Avenue, Manhattan Island
Cherie Langer: "There...wheeling in the dark, brimming with arcane energies
Cherie Langer: DJ Ellie