smokeynev1: Smiley
smokeynev1: The love of Mother Earth
smokeynev1: Very beautiful old friend
smokeynev1: Beautiful Kookaburra who's actually an old friend that I rescued from being trapped in a stairwell.
smokeynev1: A beautiful day on Lake Macquarie out on walkabout
smokeynev1: I always seem to run into some very beautiful good looking birds
smokeynev1: beautiful summer micro flowers taken while on walkabout
smokeynev1: The best looking bird in town
smokeynev1: To all our beautiful friends on Flickr
smokeynev1: Hey beautiful sunset over Lake Macquarie
smokeynev1: Shanti the bikey bikey boy
smokeynev1: Look up the meaning of this and you'll know why I named my friend Shanti
smokeynev1: A beautiful flower of the day on walkabout
smokeynev1: I met this beautiful horse today while on walkabout it was so full of love
smokeynev1: I am that I am
smokeynev1: Shanti out walkabout on a beautiful afternoon exploring mother nature
smokeynev1: The very very beautiful creatures in nature
smokeynev1: More beautiful wildflowers on walkabout
smokeynev1: I saw this very rare flower while out walk about in the bush I thought I was looking at first A reflection of the full sun
smokeynev1: The very beautiful flowers just come out on my aloe vera plant
smokeynev1: Beautiful flowers seen on a tree at Burning Mountain
smokeynev1: Burning Mountain camping area
smokeynev1: The view at Burning Mountain
smokeynev1: Shanty camping at Burning Mountain
smokeynev1: A very very beautiful sunset at Burning Mountain
smokeynev1: The kangaroos at Keepit Dam are fantastic they are every where this season, what beautiful loving creatures they are ,they really care for their young.
smokeynev1: a beautiful white albino kangaroo at Keepit Dam near Gunnedah a beautiful site to see
smokeynev1: A beautiful albino white kangaroo seen it Keepit Dam near Gunnedah
smokeynev1: Beautiful friends in nature