mickmack1995: Merry Christmas All
DamonFrost Resident [ blaink ]: Merry Christmas my love
Nari Blakewell: ⚜STYLE #988⚜
~Charlie Alpha~: Savoir Faire
Uri Jefferson: A Cold Winter's Night
Uri Jefferson: Out For A Walk
Uri Jefferson: Slide On In There!
Jaison Cobalt: Cheeky Moments: Friendship and Fun on the Ice being a little Cheeky!
Goldenbry: # 241
Az & Lev Macabre: 718 @ Fameshed X
hawk.kiyori: Ħ All That Really Matters Ħ
Tony Azure: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Templemore%20City/132/126/29
Uri Jefferson: Boudoir Dreams
Uri Jefferson: Second Place Finish!!