♡ evelina.l: She hoped the city lights to guide her home!!!
♡ evelina.l: Darkness was her most favourite thing.....becuase for her without black no colours held any depth
♡ evelina.l: The sea was her confidante..........
♡ evelina.l: She's strong ......................but she's tired!!!
♡ evelina.l: Everything is magical when u see it with your heart!!!
♡ evelina.l: "Hold summer in your hand, pour summer in a glass, a tiny glass of course, the smallest tingling sip, for children; change the season in your veins by raising glass to lip and tilting summer in."
♡ evelina.l: Sometimes you just need to go "off grid"
♡ evelina.l: She wasn't designed for everyone to like her..................
♡ evelina.l: Believe in yourself and you'll be unstoppable!!!
♡ evelina.l: Smell the sea and feel the sky............Let your soul and spirits fly!!!
♡ evelina.l: It doesnt matter how slowly u go........As long as u dont stop!!!!
♡ evelina.l: Keep it simple...............
♡ evelina.l: Shine like gold...............Sparkle like glitter!!
♡ evelina.l: “In a world full of colors, she choose to be white, for it represents simplicity and endless possibilities.”
♡ evelina.l: She was the kind of woman who needs alone time!!!!
♡ evelina.l: Its not that she loved waiting........she only loved the person she was waiting for!!!!!
♡ evelina.l: Let your words be few.......and exposures be many
♡ evelina.l: For the love of rain.....
♡ evelina.l: That feeling when its you and the beautiful morning light!!!
♡ evelina.l: Just beyond the horizon of the so-called impossible, is infinite possibility.......
♡ evelina.l: Maybe you have to know the darkness before u can appreicate the light
♡ evelina.l: She could be wild but she was loyal.............
♡ evelina.l: She looks at the world through rose coloured glasses...........
♡ evelina.l: The forest cradles my shadow as hers......and gives my soul company without saying a word
♡ evelina.l: She was never alone.......She always had her treasure with her!!
♡ evelina.l: Everybody wants to shine a little..........Even a wallflower!!!
♡ evelina.l: Words fail to describe what i feel anymore. Let me be numb for a while, let me be sore........
♡ evelina.l: She loved feeling Hidden away!!!
♡ evelina.l: She loved the ruins...becuase what remains is not a total design but the clarity of the thought and naked structure and the spirit
♡ evelina.l: She was surrounded my so many people............yet shes never felt soo alone!!