Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Scooter & Meg teaching him about snow
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Scooter at 5weeks
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Abbey had a thing for trees when brought home
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Abbey mouth is not big enough to hold a ball and a toy
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: 2 months old Abbey with her pet
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Abbey & Scooter 03-2007
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Close up of colors
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Abbey & Scooter in sun April 2007
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Abbey sitiing 3.5 months
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Abbey Roads showman stand at 3 months
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Abbey 3.5months Eyes
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Abbey eyes April07
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: The kids waiting to throw the ball 11-16-2007
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Abbey eating snow as fast as she can 12-07
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Someone has the ball
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Abbey is trying to understand english
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: The kis spot something to stare at.
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Abbey watchine where Scooter is burying his bone
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Abbey Roads on 10-30-2008
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Scooter at full attention on 10-30-08
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Scooter waiting on the ball to fall from heaven on 10-30-08
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: They came to a screeching halt real fast