Montana's Best Kept Secrets: captive elk bulls
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: My fragrant orchid mini
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: sunset in Jan 2009
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: this old barn still stands
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: the main office for Liberty drilling
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: She did come to me
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Momma and last years doe don't know what to do
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Little girl coming to me
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Swan River on 09-29-2009
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Swan river smooth as glass 2009
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Swan river early fall 2009
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Star Mt big tires
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Ruby Dam at Alder
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Ruby Lake at Alder
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Horses at the watering hole.
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Blurry firefighters
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Big machine parts
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Another view of Ruby lake
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: kathy in virgina city
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Old House in Nevada City 2009
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Upper Canyon Outfitters newest 6 week old Aussie worker
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Upper Cayon Outfitter horses and the colors
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Upper Ruby Canyon
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: There is a fish with the ducks
Montana's Best Kept Secrets: Upper Canyon Outfitters crock head in fish pond