Lord Allo: Bats Beyond
HaphazardPanda: Star Wars: Battlefront II - The Rebel Alliance
BossBricks: Lego Clone Wars: Obi-Wan
TheMooseFigs: Rush Bossk
TheMooseFigs: Frab Gif
HaphazardPanda: Batman Returns Forever and Robin
Æ5: We’re losing a command post!
HMD BrickCustoms: Marvel: Cloak and Dagger
Colbsfigs: Execute Order 66 (and a message for you all)
Snowy Bricks: OG WARS
HMD BrickCustoms: “The Winner Takes All”
The RooVerse: The Flash (Barry Allen)
HMD BrickCustoms: Crime Syndicate
HMD BrickCustoms: DC: -Jonathan Kent(s)-
HaphazardPanda: Rick and Morty (2013 -)
HMD BrickCustoms: Marvel: Purple Man
HaphazardPanda: [Star Wars Minifigs #07]
TheMooseFigs: More Fig Barf
HMD BrickCustoms: DC: Elongated Man
Myrdred.: Krell
Æ5: *laughs in Sith lord*
WarScape: Dwarf Faction War Machine: Great Cannon
mad_lego_boy: star wars figs 3 inferno squad
Colbsfigs: Star Wars figs 11
HMD BrickCustoms: Marvel: Heimdall
LegoMatic9: Custom LEGO Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker | Kylo Ren
The RooVerse: Felix Faust
HMD BrickCustoms: Animal Crossing: Isabelle
LegoMatic9: Custom LEGO Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker | Rey