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Stefan Barefoot: some f…… filthy, black Cape Town soles - ugly carved by so much filth
Stefan Barefoot: some f…… filthy, black Cape Town soles
Stefan Barefoot: some f…… filthy, black Cape Town soles
Stefan Barefoot: finally I got my almost full calloused soles back
Stefan Barefoot: finally I got my almost full calloused soles back
Stefan Barefoot: finally I got my almost full calloused soles back
fitzdent: 3DF83006-4510-4977-965E-C2397A4BECD8
fitzdent: 926C83E7-E8A3-4E5F-BFE3-8E47294D124D
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Stefan Barefoot: Aua! Devil thorns are no pleasure
Stefan Barefoot: big mistake, had a pedicure therapist working endless on my here shown soles, cutting off grams of callouses & filing the entire soles leather away! Now my soles are tender but will take a long time to regain the previous hardness!
Stefan Barefoot: another dirty shopping proof
Stefan Barefoot: my soles got some hardness back after the intense sole callous treatment
emilio481: My ugly soles
bare11: On vacation 👣
bareftpj2001: 598F3872-0B1E-40C5-B859-655A080EA3DF
bareftpj2001: 95892781-D19C-4AA0-8889-2B9BCED4DCFB
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bare11: Fall hiking spree
bareftpj2001: 6EA7150C-1F42-417B-8958-18AC98E3DB31
Matriux2011: Tamil-Nadu-Farmers-dying
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dirtyfeet74: IMG_20240827_183309a
Stefan Barefoot: starting the day with perfectly clean soles, the shopping day, partly under rainy conditions, turned them back into charcoal black over & over messy feet! Added a toering to please them
Stefan Barefoot: starting the day with perfectly clean soles, the shopping day, partly under rainy conditions, turned them back into charcoal black over & over messy feet! Added a toering to please them - lately on the car park