MissionControl: Bees enjoying the blooming wisteria in my back yard
MissionControl: homemade omogashi for a tea gathering under blossoming wisteria
MissionControl: day-of-year 289
MissionControl: day 239: backdropping
MissionControl: the chashaku is wiped at the conclusion of the temae
MissionControl: the MC narrates as a third bowl of tea is served
MissionControl: the third guest takes the bowl of tea to his place
MissionControl: day 242: 和敬
MissionControl: day 244
MissionControl: day 245: alteration
MissionControl: day 249
MissionControl: day 138
MissionControl: day 109: 初風炉
MissionControl: day 66: someone hasn't been getting enough attention
MissionControl: day 68: Canopy Cathedral
MissionControl: 京逍遥(きょうしょうよう) 「花のみち」
MissionControl: day 69: battle against lilies
MissionControl: East Conservatory
MissionControl: day 71: pandemic