thelearningcurvedotca: Downtown Toronto Fogfest No 10
francesco.congedo: sguardi dal Nepal
Mr B Eyes open: Take a seat in yr day. Be present, breathe & sense yr surroundings the beauty the light, sounds, smells, noises. Don’t judge it, simply allow it be & feel yr presence in yr moment. Enjoy this moment & take the concept of time away from it
MukeshPhoto: The catch....!
Mr B Eyes open: #Sunset Believe! It’s not taught, it’s learned. Not seen or heard. It’s in between everything & anything. A space before it’s filled, a smile before it’s seen. A touch before it’s felt. Light in the darkness. It’s in all things all places & in all faces
sashamokrohuz: Malrboro
Mr B Eyes open: The weekly processes & weekly dosses are nearly done, then the weekend can be begun. May it be full of fun laughter & sun. As then the light will reflect what been said
ahcravo gorim: PICT3545 2006
Luís Henrique Boucault: Maroon Bells & Clouds
francesco.congedo: Kolkata - India
MukeshPhoto: Close encounter---Life of Eagle...!
MukeshPhoto: Shades of darkness...!
MukeshPhoto: Stand off...!
MukeshPhoto: Good Morning...!
MukeshPhoto: The Wings---Life of Eagle...!
Mr B Eyes open: The wall, obstacles in your path. Perception is the key, what you see & what you think. What you perceive as impossible will at some point seem very possible. Life continues to proof that humanity is continually doing the impossible, surviving & thriving
PhilND8: Something interesting
MukeshPhoto: Sunrise ......!
francesco.congedo: #landscape#nagaland
thor_mark : Majestic Wisps of Clouds Above the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum (Black & White)
koen_jacobs: Fishermen
Mr B Eyes open: #Sunset Light that guides me, light that hides me. Along a pathway in every day, I say. Thank you for all you do & all you are to me. The possibility of shifting probable outcomes for new ones. For me to see, I always have a choice in everything I be
Mr B Eyes open: #Sunset To blossom, to bloom. Disperse any resistance, then accomplish what’s to be done. Be clear & controlled, yr motives correct. Any dark corners cleansed diligently. Through steadfastness & correct attitude, the blossoming can the start to occur
Mr B Eyes open: This light, this love that I have found, is so profound. It touches my soul & heals my heart, for what I found in the space in between. Is something I’ve never seen or ever felt. Im so thankful for these moments, I will cherish till I perish in this form
koen_jacobs: Man with hat
koen_jacobs: Maneater
Tim&Elisa: Sunrise in Yellowstone National Park
Glatz Nature Photography: Testing the Waters
Capturedbyhunter: Good morning, sun.