imagejoe: My Back Pages !!!
Antonio Chac: Reflejos en la orilla
geraintparry: Swallow
pbo31: beale street traffic detour
portraitsbyandreapi: Punica Granatum
lightandform: A False Sense of Remembrance 06
hosihane: 日出雲海
Clickpix: Sunset Mood
Dave Cappleman: Marbled White [Melanargia galathea]
Dave Cappleman: Pendulous.
Dave Cappleman: Tongue twister!
FotoGrazio: Filtering light
jonathan le borgne: Lavender's field
Elevated Imaging: Corrugated Steel Climbs to the Skies (Explored).
#maxilopezca: Escape
geraintparry: Atlantic Puffin
imagejoe: Bark at the Moon !!!
FotoGrazio: Blastoff
VitorJK: Hot Sunset - n9930
2014paf: el ramo amarillo
2014paf: una ventana muy alta
Werner Demming: Something does not fit _ MM _ "Hand Tool"