stevesells: The North America and Pelican Nebulae
stevesells: Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) Comet-Aligned Stack
stevesells: Comet NEOWISE over Stanford University at dawn
stevesells: The Moon in a triangle with Jupiter and Saturn
stevesells: Antares Nebula, IC 4606
stevesells: Asteroid 1998 OR2
stevesells: Blue Hour at Pacifica Pier
stevesells: Road to the Milky Way
stevesells: If you have the right boat for it, the best way to get to Cannes is by sea.
stevesells: Farms along the shore of Norway's Olden Lake
stevesells: Mountains in Greenland
stevesells: Exterior detail of Gaudi's La Sagrada Familia Cathedral, Barcelona
stevesells: A St. Petersburg workman repairs a Soviet-era apartment building
stevesells: The moon peeks out from behind the clouds
stevesells: Lagoon Nebula and the Trifid Nebula
stevesells: The Milky Way above a moon-lit dome at Oak Ridge Observatory
stevesells: Jupiter and the Milky Way's Galactic Center
stevesells: Comet or alien invasion?
stevesells: Ladies in the hat shop late at night
stevesells: Wild but tame juvenile Barbary macaques in Gibraltar
stevesells: Hummingbird (3623)
stevesells: Anna's Hummingbird male (Calypte anna)
stevesells: Hummingbird (3531)
stevesells: Portrait of a hummingbird (3562)
stevesells: Hummingbird (3608)
stevesells: The anteroom and the ring light
stevesells: A sea otter enjoys a clam with a seaweed garnish
stevesells: Blue Ox Millworks, Eureka, California
stevesells: The inland village of Flåm, Norway is situated on a fjord that stretches more than 100 miles to the open sea.
stevesells: Raindrops in the garden catch the light