schwerdtner112: 7o ...satisfying her 2 a.m. craving.
schwerdtner112: 69 ...seeing each other in your dreams.
schwerdtner112: 154 ...taking a trip down memory lane.
schwerdtner112: 153 ...going on a second honeymoon.
schwerdtner112: 152 ...seeing the sights together.
schwerdtner112: 15o ...planning holidays together.
schwerdtner112: 149 ...typing love letters instead of invoices.
schwerdtner112: 148 ...making hay while the sun shines.
schwerdtner112: 147 ...always finding time to call her.
schwerdtner112: 146 ...letting her examine your handwork.
schwerdtner112: 145 ...sharing the frustrations of decorating your first flat.
schwerdtner112: 144 ...chopping her all the logs she needs.
schwerdtner112: 143 ...pushing her up the slopes.
schwerdtner112: 142 encouragement when the going is tough.
schwerdtner112: 141 ...taking her skiing for the first time.
schwerdtner112: 14o ...what keeps you warm at 2o^ below.
schwerdtner112: 139 ...consoling her when her snowman melts.
schwerdtner112: 138 ...having someone to hold onto.
schwerdtner112: 137 ...being his ray of sunshines.
schwerdtner112: 136 ...bobbing the waves together.
schwerdtner112: 135 show it strong muscles.
schwerdtner112: 134 ...helping him launch his boat.
schwerdtner112: 133 ...saving her when she gets into deep water.
schwerdtner112: 132 ...setting sail together.
schwerdtner112: 131 ...wishing you were someone`s valentine.
schwerdtner112: Love is... (197o) Cover
schwerdtner112: 13o ...making the same new year resolution.
schwerdtner112: 129 enjoy together christmas joy.
schwerdtner112: 128 ...decorating the tree with all the family.
schwerdtner112: 127 ...celebrating your first anniversary and looking forward to your 25th.