surf-shot: surf-shot-white-tailed-kites-2-April-2024--_08A0060
Jim_Higham: Stoat, Elmley NNR, Kent
Tanja Blind: Vierflecklibelle - Libellula quadrimaculata - Dragon fly
Francesc F P: Astor_Astor comú_Falcó perdiguer
Tanja Blind: Schmetterlingshochzeit - Butterfly wedding -
bnnrrb_2024: I am part of the people and a slave to the system. A system as rotten as those who run it.
Baffledmostly: 298_373 - Sedge Warbler
Baffledmostly: 298_194 - Sedge Warbler
mooncall2012: Baltimore Oriole
Marlee63: Sand Martin, Blashford Lakes, Dorset
Bev Bishop: Avocet chick
Teresa Anne Williams: River Gwash Osprey
Old and new pictures from my collection: Cat Girl, at the request of my five year old granddaughter
John Freshney: Dark-edged bee-fly (Bombylius major)
sparrowhawk143: Dancing adders
ianjackson10: 6K5A8375-Enhanced-NR.jpg
favmark1: "A Lady in the meadow!" Lady Orchid "Orchis purpurea"
favmark1: One of Kent's glorious Monkey Orchids "Orchis simia"
John Freshney: Ripples !
Jim_Higham: Leveret (young brown hare), Elmley NNR, Kent
John Freshney: Siskin
gertjan1965: mating kingfishers
Jim_Higham: Common Tern, Elmley NNR, Kent
trawson58: Stoat with Vole
trawson58: Stoat with young stoat
Joe Meyer: _DSC9118
trevwillis64: Adders (Vipera berus) basking
deerphillucas: Kestrel Catches a Mouse 2
vampiremoi: Kestrel v Short-eared Owl
Marlee63: Blackcap, Shawford, Hampshire