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Art of Nature
Art by Al
Acanthosoma Haemorrhoidale
Arum italicum. ( Lords and Ladies )
Arionid Slugs
Autumn Colours
Beetle, Strangalia Maculata
Bird, Bar-tailed Godwit
Black-Tailed Skimmer
Bistort Amphibious
Bistort Common
Bird Blackcap
Bird, Blackbird,
Bird, Black Swan
Bird, Blue Tit
Bird, Black-headed Gull
Bird, Brent Goose
Bird, Bullfinch
Bird, Buzzard
Bird, Chaffinch
Bird, Coal Tit
Bird, Collared Dove
Bird, Canada Goose
Bird, Cormorant
Bird, Carrion Crow
Bird, Dunnock
Bird, Greylag Goose
Bird, Goosander
Bird, Great Spotted Woodpecker
Bird, Greenfinch
Bird, Grey Wagtail
Bird, Goldfinch
Bird, Grey Heron
Bird, House Sparrow
Bird, Jay
Bird, Kestrel
Bird, Kingfisher
Bird, Lapwing
Bird, Little Egret
Bird, Long-tailed Tit
Bird, Magpie
Bird, Mallard
Bird, Mandarin
Bird, Mistle Thrush
Bird, Moorhen
Bird, Mute Swan
Bird, Nuthatch
Bird, Peregrine
Bird, Pied Wagtail
Bird, Reed Bunting
Bird, Red-Crested Pochard
Bird, Red Kite
Bird, Rook
Bird, Robin
Bird, Ruff
Bird, Shoveler
Bird, Sparrowhawk
Bird, Song Thrush
Bird, Starling
Bird, Swallow
Bird, Teal
Bird, Spottted Redshank
Bird, Treecreeper
Bird, Tufted Duck
Bird, Wigeon
Bird, Willow Tit
Bird, Wood-Pigeon
Bird, Wren
Bombus, Psithyrus Vestalis,
Bombus Terrestris,, Buff-tailed,
Bombus Pratorum
Bombus Humilis
Bombus Lapidarius
Bombus Pascuorum
Bee, Honey Bee
Butterflie, Brimstone
Butterflie, Comma,
Butterflie, Common Blue
Butterflie, Small Copper
Butterflie, Green-Veined White,
Butterflie, Gatekeeper
Butterflie, Grizzled Skipper
Butterflie, Holly Blue
Butterflie, Large Skipper
Butterflie, Meadow Brown
Butterflie, Marbled White
Butterflie, Orange-Tip
Butterflie, Peacock,
Butterflie, Red Admiral
Butterflie, Silver-washed Fritillary
Butterflie, Small White
Butterflie, Speckled Wood
Butterflie, Small Skipper
Butterflie, Small Tortoiseshell,
Fungus, Candlesnuff
Chafer, Garden Chafer
Common Bird's-foot Trefoil
Common Alder
Common Beech
Common Dandelion
Common Lizard, Viviparous Lizard,
Common Ragwort
Creeping Buttercup
Cuckooflower, Lady's-Smock
Daisy, 'Bellis Perennis',
Daisy - Oxeye Daisy
Damselfly, Azure.
Damselfly, Blue-Tailed
Damselfly, Banded Demoiselle, ' Calopterygidae ',
Damselfles, Red-Eyed Damselfly
Dark Mullein
Dolichopus Popularis, 'Diptera ',
Dog Rose
Dragonflie, Aeshna Mixta, ' Hawkers ',
Dragonflie, Common Darter
Dragonflie, Emperor Dragonflie
Dragonflies, Migrant Hawker
Dfagonflies, Ruddy Darter,
Fungus, Dryad's Saddle, ' Polyporus squamosus ',
Dung Flies
Empis Tessellata
Fallow Deer
False Oil Beetles
Fungus, Fairy Inkcap
Field Maple
Fungus, Flammulina velutipes, - " Velvet-shank "
Flies, Bee-Fly
Flies, Chloromyla Formosa
Flies,- Common Scorpion Flies
Flies, Crane-Fly
Flies- Gonia Divisa
Forest Bug
Grey Seal
Goat Willow
Grass Snake
Grasshoppers and Locusts,
Green Alkanet
Grey Squirrel
Hover-Flies, or Flower Flies,
Hover flies, Episyrphus Balteatu
Hover Flie, Eristalis pertinax
Hover flies, Helophilus Pendulus
Hover Flie, Eristalis tenax,
Hover-Flie, Myathropa Florea
.Hover-Flie, Helophilus Pendulus
Hover-Flie - Tachina Fera
Hover Flies - Volucella Zonaria,
Hover-Flie, Volucella Pellucens
Fungus, Jelly Ear
Just for Fun
Leucozna lucorum
Lesser Celandine
Longhorn Beetles
Meadow Plant Bug
Meadowsweet, ( Bridewort, - Queen of the meadow, )
Moth, Catterpillar, The Lackey
Moth, Burnet Companion
Moth, Caterpillar, The Cinnabar
Moth, Caterpiller - Pale Tussock
Moth, Caterpillar,- The Vapourer
Moth, Buff Footman
Moth, Chimney Sweeper
Moth, Common Purple and Gold
Moth, Common Rustic
Moth-Elephant Hawk-moth
Moth, Five-spot Burnet
Moth, Green Oak Tortrix
Moth - Mint Moth
Moth, Mother Shipton
Moth - Nemophora Degeerlla
Moth, Shaded Broad-bar
Moth, Silver Y
Mnium hornum, ( Mniaceae ).
Moss, Eurhynchium praelongum
Moss Oak
Orchid, Bee Orchid
Parasitic Flies
Roe Deer
Red Deer
Red Fox
Rhagonycha Fulva
Fungus, Shaggy Ink Cap
Fungus, Shaggy Scalycap
Shield Bug, or Palomena Prasina,
Slugs - Arionid
Spider, Garden-Cross,
Spider, Green Huntman
Spider, Harvestmen
Spider, Long-jawed Orb Web Spider,
Spider, Nursery-wed
Spiders - Nursery-wed Spiders
Spider, Araneus Quadratus
Spider, Pisaura Mirabilis
Squash Bugs
Sweet Violet
Teasel Small
Thistle, Marsh
Thistle- Perennial Sow-thistle
Twyford Wood
Video, 001
Volucella Inanis
Water Droplet
Wasps, Pimpla Hypochondriaca
Wasp Common
Wasp German
White Dead-nettle
Wood Ant,
Winter Heliotrpe
Xanthoria parietina