gilmavargas: Toledo,RIver Tajo.Spain
p.mathias: Bird On a Pole in strathclyde country park
p.mathias: Wallace Monument
p.mathias: Flowers on Circus Lane Edinburgh
p.mathias: Robert the Bruce Statue, at Battle of Bannockburn Vistor Centre
p.mathias: Victoria Street, Edinburgh
p.mathias: Scottish Parliament during Anti-trump protest on the 14th July
p.mathias: Flower
p.mathias: Scottish Parliament
p.mathias: Tollbooth Tavern, Edinburgh
p.mathias: Circus Lane, Edinburgh
gilmavargas: love cannot be expressed in words.
p.mathias: Callendar House, Falkirk
p.mathias: Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Modern one
p.mathias: Poppies
p.mathias: Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Modern Two
gilmavargas: Weakness"My grace is suffient for you,for my power is made perfect is weakness"2 Corinthias 12:9
p.mathias: St. John's Episcopal Kirk, Edinburgh
gilmavargas: The sky"s the limit.
gilmavargas: Seasonal Cycling Getaway:Baking.
gilmavargas: View of NYC Skyline from Governors Island
p.mathias: Donaldson's Hospital Building, Edinburgh
p.mathias: Crosby Beach
p.mathias: Saint Martin of Tours Episcopal Church
p.mathias: St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh
p.mathias: St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
p.mathias: Burns Monument, Edinburgh
p.mathias: Dumyat
Flickr: SmugMug + Flickr Photowalk with Jerry Business
SASPhotography67: When your food fights back...{Explored}