Robert Dupont: Petit-duc maculé de forme rousse / Eastern Screech Owl Red Morph
Sammyboy77: Héron vert / Green heron
Sammyboy77: Bihoreau gris / Black-crowned night heron
Roter Steve: Monarch in Flight
jackez2010: Faucon crécerelle_A739766_DxO
Sammyboy77: Bihoreau gris / Black-crowned night heron
pekabo90401: California Scrub Jay ..........066 Los Liones Canyon Southern California_
pekabo90401: Fluffy or puffy???? Blue gray Gnatcatcher Sycamore Canyon Ventura County coastal Southern California -107
pekabo90401: Allen's hummingbird with tiny spider South Coast Botanic Garden Southern California -
pekabo90401: American Redstart Calabasas Southern California -
pekabo90401: European Goldfinch 049 Madrona Marsh Southern California -
pekabo90401: Common Yellowthroat 275 Los Angeles Arboretum Southern California -
pekabo90401: Interesting times....Blue Grosbeak 174 1 Malibu Creek State Park Southern California_
Sammyboy77: Petit blongios / Least bittern
Marie-Claude Paquette: MCP_4158-Modifier
Robert Dupont: Petit-duc maculé / Eastern Screech Owl / Parc Angrignon
MukeshPhoto: _A749913 BW-2020 1 1
Sammyboy77: Martin-pêcheur d'Amérique (f) / Belted kingfisher (f)
mallardg500: The Bully
deserttoad: Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis); Santa Fe National ForestNational Forest, Thompson Ridge [Lou Feltz]
Marie-Claude Paquette: MCP_3164-Modifier
Sammyboy77: Grand Pic (f) / Pileated woodpecker (f)
Sammyboy77: Paruline masquée (m) / Common yellowthroat (m)
Roter Steve: Yellow rumped Warbler
jeremy_cohen: Mountain bluebird
Alan McFadyen: 1st August 2020 Great Spotted Woodpecker disagreement with a Jay
Roter Steve: Ambush Bug