theharv58: grebe on the prowl
glriasilva55: Rola-do-mar (Arenaria interpres), Ruddy turnstone - Murtosa
Paulo Dioni: Colhereiro (Platalea leucorodia)
jmcandrade21: Pararge aegeria
jmcandrade21: Cephalanthera longifolia
jmcandrade21: Cephalanthera longifolia
jmcandrade21: Amanita rubescens
jmcandrade21: Cephalanthera longifolia
Isabel Kardoso: Chasco-ruivo (Oenanthe hispanica) Forma clara
Oliveira Pires: Podiceps cristatus
jmcandrade21: Issoria lathonia
jmcandrade21: Zerynthia rumina
adamhaydock: north canyon
jmcandrade21: Lagartixa de Guadarrama (Podarcis guadarramae lusitanicus)
jmcandrade21: Lagartixa de Guadarrama (Podarcis guadarramae lusitanicus)
jmcandrade21: Lagartixa-de-dedos-denteados (Acanthodactylus erythrurus)
jmcandrade21: Lagartixa-de-dedos-denteados (Acanthodactylus erythrurus)
jmcandrade21: Mycena seynesii
jmcandrade21: Lactarius sp.
jmcandrade21: Lactarius sp. Kingfisher - Guarda-rios
Brent Hardy: Juvenile kingfisher
Tibor Nagy: Phidippus clarus jumping spider with prey
wildlifetog: Little Egret in flight 3454(6D3)
glriasilva55: Tarambola-dourada (Pluvialis apricaria), Golden plover - Murtosa
Zahoor-Salmi: European goldfinch