tucbassinger1: The paint on these is obviously gonna crack but untill then they don't look too bad‍♂️
tucbassinger1: Well here's how my freestyle tournament ended this year. Hate going out like this.
tucbassinger1: Really wanna get rid of these, I'll have them at the dome, 100$. Great shape. 9/10.
tucbassinger1: Constantly ripping my ear open😕
tucbassinger1: Don't headlock me😤
tucbassinger1: Throwback to when I wrestled 195😂 also had rulons that I shouldn't have gotten rid of cuz now I have no $ or shoes😕
tucbassinger1: Other than letting go of my hands, how does this look guys??
tucbassinger1: Anyone know if these are worth anything?
tucbassinger1: I was DQ'd for this 😕
tucbassinger1: Miss wrestling season more and more each day😕 but it's freco time and I need to get a job to up this shoe game😫😂
tucbassinger1: Who's got grey inflicts 10-10.5??