pain_snezny: 2014 11 11 bad boy with a bump on his forehead
pain_snezny: 2014 11 11 bad boy with a bump on his forehead
pain_snezny: 11 11 2014 hit the floor and have received a big bruise on forehead
pain_snezny: 11 11 2014 hit the floor and have received a big painful bruise on forehead
pain_snezny: The little urchin fell, grazed all elbows
pain_snezny: Scraped grazed face road rash
pain_snezny: Scraped face road rash blood
pain_snezny: Grazed elbow - bad boy
pain_snezny: Big crash on the asphalt and grazed elbow
pain_snezny: Great bloody crash, scraped forehead, cheek
pain_snezny: My friend took big fall
pain_snezny: Big crash of bad boy 1
pain_snezny: Big crash of bad boy 2
pain_snezny: The bad boy fell on the concrete and grazed his face, blood, road rash
pain_snezny: Bad Boy, face scraped!!
pain_snezny: Badboy + concrete = roadrash
pain_snezny: Badass scraped elbows
pain_snezny: Grazed knee
pain_snezny: He met with the floor while he was brawling
pain_snezny: Drunken bastard has grazed his elbows
pain_snezny: Scraped elbow of a bad hooligan
pain_snezny: skinned knee
pain_snezny: scabby elbow
pain_snezny: He crashed & scraped his elbow pretty scab
pain_snezny: foto 2 - desinfection of the elbow
pain_snezny: Skinned elbow