Jake Slagle: One Big Gypsum from China
GeorgioStones: Hemimorphite with Pyromorphite
thutranhoai: IMG_9533
thutranhoai: IMG_4942
thutranhoai: IMG_4972
thutranhoai: IMG_5576
thutranhoai: IMG_5591
thutranhoai: IMG_5606
thutranhoai: P1050874
thutranhoai: P1050876
thutranhoai: P1050877
thutranhoai: P1050878
thutranhoai: P1050879
thutranhoai: P1050881
smulaxx: Topaz
smulaxx: Fluorite, olivenite
smulaxx: Enstatit
mangaram: Tour d'eau de Colmar - Colmar Watertower
mangaram: Knautia maxima
daydreamCry: fluorite
OttawaRocks: Spessartine Equador Brazil
smulaxx: Harmotome
tuấnlư: IMG_20170813_224345
tuấnlư: IMG_20170814_201555
Singingstone48: 6841 Fluorite Quartz Riemvasmaak South Africa cat no. 4414
mangaram: Près du grand ballon (vosges)
smulaxx: Carminite
mangaram: La dernière prise est toujours la bonne
smulaxx: Carminite and mixite
smulaxx: Harmotome