Phil Gayton: Transition town transition
Phil Gayton: St John's from St Mary's churchyard
Phil Gayton: More seasonal splendour
Phil Gayton: Autumn's here
Phil Gayton: Early in the ebb
Phil Gayton: Bud bursting out
Phil Gayton: A swan swam by
Phil Gayton: As above, so below
Phil Gayton: After the turn of the tide
Phil Gayton: Willow in the wind
Phil Gayton: Verdant Vire Island
Phil Gayton: Calmer, brighter
Phil Gayton: Totnes bridge from the west bank
Phil Gayton: Foggy backdrop
Phil Gayton: Clear pocket in the fog
Phil Gayton: Burning through
Phil Gayton: Hazy morning, heavy dew
Phil Gayton: High spring tide and mist
Phil Gayton: Frosted grass
Phil Gayton: Castle over Rushbrook
Phil Gayton: Rarely noticed angle
Phil Gayton: Mizzly, drizzly morning
Phil Gayton: A hint o' winter
A>M>S: Trees
Phil Gayton: Changeable morning weather
Phil Gayton: Calm and cloudless
Phil Gayton: Third quarter moon over St Mary's
Phil Gayton: Short term brightness
Phil Gayton: Not a ripple
Phil Gayton: Mirror Dart