Don Delaney: Mallard Female
Ron Kube Photography: Gadwall in Flight DSC_6216
gainesp2003: Hello!
Jim Patterson Photography: Passage of Time - Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Jim Patterson Photography: Misty Morning - Tunnel View, Yosemite National Park, California
gainesp2003: Fox Kits!
[ Kane ]: Luminous Balls of Plasma held together by Gravity.
Martin_Heigan: Cradle of Humankind - Dawn
Jerry Ting: Waxwing Panorama
Jerry Ting: Pacific-slope Flycatcher
Jerry Ting: Western Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana)
Jerry Ting: Wilson's Warbler
Jerry Ting: female Nuttall's feeding young
davidcreebirder: Dickcissel - Chinook Mine grasslands--Indiana
cablefreak: Hot and cold in Chromaland
Paul Cory: Gators at Sunset
gainesp2003: Run!!!
gainesp2003: Playtime!
Jerry Ting: Rufous Hummingbird
Jerry Ting: Allen's Approaching
Jerry Ting: Whimbrel
Jerry Ting: Clark's Grebe
ms.martin001: A little to the left...
gainesp2003: Long-Eared Owl
Bryan Olesen: Walk-ins welcome
Ron Kube Photography: Male Mountain Bluebird DSC_3233
Ron Kube Photography: Flicker in the Grass DSC_3289
Jerry Ting: Avocet Courtship
Jerry Ting: House Finch
Jerry Ting: Snowy Egrets