faux_teak: What an inspiring joy to spend 48 hours in lovely San Diego facilitating for the @teensciencecafenetwork Community Gathering as part of the @girlsmoonshot celebration. So many clever and creative ways to get teens interested in ST(R)E(A)M careers were sha
faux_teak: Blue things from a weekend in the burbs. And also the no horse riding sign that got Everything Everywhere All At Once’d. 💙
faux_teak: What a delightful night at @decordova_museum learning about some of @theoldmanse_trustees fascinating ladies and the esoteric and fantastical ideas that inspired the fantastically esoteric @garygraham422. I can’t even count how many things he talked about
faux_teak: Lovely bookends to the day brought to you by town life and @concordlibrary locations: 📚🎁 the library’s annual book sale (at which I bought the stack at the left, served as unofficial book concierge to send some of my fave book friends home with
faux_teak: Tag yourself: I’m No boots to be worn in bed.
faux_teak: Along with a refresh and a refocusing of my website comes a new deck of what I offer my clients. If you're following this account for art, museums, and adventures, that'll still be here. They're a big part of what inspires me to do the work I do, after al
faux_teak: “I kept looking for something that was tactile. That I could feel... That I didn't have to wait for it to dry. That I didn't have to wait for it to cool off. That didn't stink. That wasn't toxic. That had light shooting through it ... That had an intrinsi
faux_teak: The real treasure of #AAM2024 is, of course, the friends old and new I met along the way. Not all are pictured here but it was wonderful to connect and reconnect with so many folks doing the good work in and around these institutions.
faux_teak: Let it not be said that I am only a #MuseumNerd for art museums. The @borailmuseum was most excellent. #ITweetMuseums #AAM2024
faux_teak: Diaries of a conference pirate in Baltimore. Walked by the harbor and its masted ships. Had some lovely conversations with colleagues old and new. And because I felt a pull to bring my tarot cards with me today, pulled a card in the expo hall with this qu
faux_teak: I’m incredibly grateful to have @halkid2 as a mom. Every day, for eclipse viewing or doggie cuddles or “girls-ing” (so-named by my dad to identify our ability to talk about absolutely nothing of consequence for extended amounts of time), and also on #Moth
faux_teak: Oh hey thanks, space weather! These are all unedited and taken standing in my driveway. 🌌🔮#NorthernLights #AuroraBorealis #NoFilter
faux_teak: Jumping into a #cenote to float through the cool water of an underground river was awesome! Bats and tiny fish and subterranean roots and coral fossils and fabulous rock formations. #YumBalam #yucatan
faux_teak: I brought the right color palette to Cancun. 💙
faux_teak: Wildlife reporting from #AkumalBeach and #ReservaBalam. Starring Gregor the green turtle, rays and fish of varying sorts, the iguana king of the showers, and a rare wild @eloquentpie sighting.
faux_teak: The thing about not being a morning person is that I really hate to drag myself out of bed before the sun is up. The thing about being a human person, though, is that watching the sunrise over the ocean is literally never gonna disappoint. 😌:sunr
faux_teak: When the day starts at 3:45am in rainy, dark, cold Massachusetts and ends at 80F with this view in Cancún, it’s a pretty clear win in my book.
faux_teak: One of the reasons I’ve been posting less on insta recently is that I’ve been intentionally focusing on being present and monofocused. There used to be a little voice in my head when something cool would happen that would say ‘psst this’ll make great cont
faux_teak: Happy 4th birthday to Lila, who loves the beach but hates to get her paws wet. I love that working for myself means I can take some hours out of my weekday to take the birthday puppy on a sandy outing. #EntrepreneurshipMeansDoingTheDogsBiddingAtAllHours
faux_teak: Huge congrats to @mimosaishere and the @schlesingerlibrary team for the excellent focused show about feminist organizing movements through history. Here are some highlights from the sex workers’ rights section, but the whole of it is super relevant today.
faux_teak: Phone photos absolutely don’t capture how incredible this experience was. Here are some unedited pics of the perfect spot we found in Cambridge, Vermont to watch the #eclipse and marvel at celestial movement. Also some edited pics of the sun through eclip
faux_teak: Happy 43rd birthday to me! I was thinking about what to post to mark the occasion (because one thing I do still love about insta is the way it’s a visual diary of experiences), and realized that I’d gotten dressed today in a way that my younger self would
faux_teak: While I’m not planning a #MeMade wardrobe, I super appreciate @thecrookedhem’s sewing tutelage last year, which meant that when I found a 1-yard offcut at @libertylondon, I could use it to make myself a #SeamworkHansie top. Here’s the finished piece, slig
faux_teak: Spring is creeping in in Massachusetts. Today’s lovely walk in the woods included spotting a couple beavers, a pileated woodpecker, and this pond full of the horniest frog orgy I’ve ever heard. I think the third slide should maybe come with a content advi
faux_teak: Finally adding a new adornment to Stella’s rear. For years I was a @wellesleycollege only bumper sticker kinda girl for some of the same reasons I was a no-tattoos kinda girl. What would I still care about enough for years to add it (semi)permanently to a
faux_teak: One thing I never miss when visiting #London is a trip to a major bookshop. This time around it was the classic @foylesforbooks. Not only do the Brits do book cover design better than USAmericans (why? a history of displaying books as status objects? a gr
faux_teak: I like brainstorming, and I firmly believe that more heads are likely to come up with a solution-of-best-fit than one head alone. So I'm delighted to be putting this offering out into the world with 2 friends. @rebecca__shulman & @iamdavidbowles & I are o
faux_teak: Fairy Hair is a go! ‍♂️ Some notes on opting for the adventurous path. ‍♂️ Coloring my hair elaborately brings me joy every time I look at it. ‍♂️ First time in my adult life trying to get a new full head look (including bleaching) at home. ‍♂️ Going int
faux_teak: So glad I made it to the @royalacademyarts for #EntangledPasts. Interwoven installations of historical, status-reinforcing works and contemporary, status-questioning works that packs a punch. Yes, some rooms and pairings held together more strongly than o
faux_teak: Collective effervescence on the floor at @theo2london last night for @the1975 #StillAtTheirVeryBest. For those who squealed seeing the full version of Guys on the setlist, swipe to no. 4. For the Ross girlies, swipe to nos. 5 & 6. For anyone else, feel fr