MoparMadman63: Climb up to see!
MoparMadman63: DFW Airport then
MoparMadman63: Perspectives differ, what's yours?
MoparMadman63: I'll go to any heights
MoparMadman63: Skies of Texas
MoparMadman63: DFW Airport's prairieland dancers
MoparMadman63: Watchers
MoparMadman63: illusion offering by sunset
MoparMadman63: prairie lands of Texas
MoparMadman63: sunset coverage with a chance of wind
MoparMadman63: acid sunset "come capture me"
MoparMadman63: staff meeting
MoparMadman63: warm ending
MoparMadman63: a bit of shelter
MoparMadman63: "Give US Shelter" as we are in need
MoparMadman63: parallel arrivals "quickly bringing them home"
MoparMadman63: I'd rather walk
MoparMadman63: please listen?
MoparMadman63: mother ship
MoparMadman63: tales of travel. are you listening?
MoparMadman63: heading home
MoparMadman63: back to business
MoparMadman63: watching and waiting
MoparMadman63: open season again
MoparMadman63: aviation anticipation
MoparMadman63: It's alive! (noisy return)
MoparMadman63: the whole congregation
MoparMadman63: "tails of travel" what stories they tell!
MoparMadman63: this and that
MoparMadman63: repetitiously and perpetual motion