Clyde Thornhill: Song Sparrow
Clyde Thornhill: Red Squirrel
derekhammond503: _DSH8287- E Common Shelduck. Bonavista, Newfoundland. April 12,2024. ( A Rare Duck in Newfoundland.
carl.schoenenberger: 286A7813 Bunte Römer
Clyde Thornhill: Barnacle Goose
-JRL- Photo's: Ollie at 14 Weeks
Helen A Jones: American Robin { Turdus migratorius} Torbay-NL-Canada
Helen A Jones: Eurasian Oyster Catcher that is still hanging out down town St John'
Clyde Thornhill: Solar Eclipse
Dieter Gora: cranes in flight
derekhammond503: _DSH8032- E Common Shelduck Bonavista, Newfoundland. Canada April 10,2024. ( Very Rare in Newfoundland
Clyde Thornhill: Double-crested Cormorant
carl.schoenenberger: 286A7144 (2)
derekhammond503: _DSH1618 - Ruff Quidi Vidi Lake, St John's, Newfoundland. March 13, 2024.
Helen A Jones: Song Sparrow {Melospiza melodia }
derekhammond503: _DSH5803- E. Eurasian Wigeon. Neville's Pond, Paradise, Newfoundland.
derekhammond503: _DSH5096- E Red -breasted Merganser. Drake . Kelligrews pond, Kelligrews, Newfoundland.
Clyde Thornhill: White-winged Crossbill
Clyde Thornhill: Bald Eagle
Helen A Jones: Ruff { Calidris pugnax } @ Quidi Vidi Lake - St John's -NL-Canada
derekhammond503: _DSH3127 (2) Northern Goshawk Immature. St John's, Newfoundland.
Helen A Jones: The Ruff Has gone !
gwhiteway: American Wigeons
derekhammond503: _DSH3312- E. White -whinged crossbill. Bidgoods Park, St John's, Newfoundland.March 20,2024.
Clyde Thornhill: Bonaparte's Gull
Clyde Thornhill: Lapland Longspur #2
frank.king2014: Wood Duck Quidi Vidi Lake February 2024
Gene Herzberg: Black-headed Gull
frank.king2014: Common Merganser Quidi Vidi Lake 2024-03-05