Tim Melling: Redwing
beaconschris5050: Verdigris navel
Bay State Paul: Great-horned Owl balancing act
Kulama: Harvest-Mouse_7823a-small
michael.jh: Eurasian Jay "Garrulus glandarius"
Chris B@rlow: False Earthstar - Astraeus hygrometricus
Chris B@rlow: Echinoderma (Lepiota) jacobi
Chris B@rlow: Tropidia scita
Tim Melling: Fire-eyed Diucon
Tim Melling: A rather slim Goshawk
Bay State Paul: Sideways glance
fabrice_66: buse variable du bois de Kerihuer_N77A0062
Kulama: Kingfisher-6427
michael.jh: Little Owl "Athene noctua"
Frank.Vassen: Hummel-Gebirgsschwebfliege (Sericomyia bombiformis) ♂, Wiesbachtal bei Rocherath, Ostbelgien
Erland R.N.: Aeshna viridis
trawson58: Brown Hare
Tim Melling: Face to face with a Nightjar
Frank.Vassen: Chlorophorus trifasciatus, Le Collet-de-Dèze, Lozère, France
Erland R.N.: Lindenia tetraphylla
Pipa Terrer: Paragomphus genei (Sélys, 1841)
Hui6688: 八色鳥 Fairy Pitta ♂ ♀
grahamnichols47: White Admiral
Christian Dreifert: Yellow-sportted Emerald / Gefleckte Smaragdlibelle
Tim Melling: Marsh Warbler
Tim Melling: Loggerhead Shrike
Glyn Sellors: Grasshopper Warbler - I don't think I saw a Gropper last year, so it was nice see this beauty at RSPB Middleton Lakes
michael.jh: Black-necked grebe "Podiceps nigricollis"
Tim Melling: Xantus's Hummingbird
Bay State Paul: Slender-billed Gull