35mmMan: Sheep grazing in the late afternoon Sun
OR_U: There's a storm on the way
Steff Photographie: The metro and the tower
Marcin Krawczyk: 11... ;-)
Hugo Bononi: Carolina
Arô Ribeiro: Foto- Arô Ribeiro-1157
BOC-Photos: Stone Bridge on the Rye Water in Autumn
immaginaitalia: la giuria - the jury
Rogg4n: Snowflake n°9 - 2017
Luicabe: Aqua
beranekp: 2017-02-21 Galanthus nivalis - BG Teplice
-gregg-: here comes the rain
Daniele Torreggiani: Greek landscape
antonychammond: Trieste - Windows onto a DeLIGHTful City!
Jesus Guerra foto: Te Pinté una tarde
Lolo_: Laveno
zoomleeuwtje: Snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis)
sonofphotography: the mobilmania world
davide photography: Fiume sotto la neve
Ivan Rigamonti: Spotlight on the Runway
Japo García: Windows 11
mmpic_s: Let´s talk about the Summer