I'm all over the place today!
Straight faced
Don't be thick, bees are not the only pollinators
Our pervy neighbour has his drone up again
Back draft
Stand and deliver, your pollen for your life!
I'm gonna get ya
Let it all hang out ( just before the take off
Flying flower beetle
And away we go!
I spotted a Longhorn
Foghorn longhorn
These new anti-theft smart flowers are something else!
Such an awkward flyer
Long jump
Jiminy Cricket (Disclaimer, not a cricket)
It's FRIDAY!!!
Beetle juiced
Your love keeps lifting me higher
I need to get back to Costa for a better shot of this and other amazing beauties there
why do you need another insect photo?
Oh bug off!
Absolutely love this name
Trichodes alvearius, sounds like it should be a gladiator
Soldiering on
Longhorn drama
Yee haw