graysummers: Billie Bud.
graysummers: Billie Bud
graysummers: “And so the story goes. To where? No one knows.
graysummers: New Beginnings. And so the story goes. To where? No one knows......
graysummers: "Where are your children Poppa Summers?" All growed up Poppa Draggy."
graysummers: Self Saltatorial. No need for computer games.
graysummers: Thumbnail as a snarling entity. Larger, something else.
graysummers: Break on through to the other side....imaginary doors.
graysummers: Wish I still had the bass.
graysummers: Grass and intruder
graysummers: Grass and intruders.
graysummers: Echoing the here/now
graysummers: The other side of solace
graysummers: Elvis. Roots dancing to the tune of the whistling wind.
graysummers: The familiar Onlooker who fears Midlife Crisis
graysummers: Imbalanced
graysummers: Told you! No faerie make believe...but wait...
graysummers: What lies beyond lies beyond. Truth disappoints.
graysummers: High-key
graysummers: Flight of angels visit and then depart
graysummers: People used to call....then they stopped!!
graysummers: Old and out of date......the film, not me.
graysummers: Slice of life
graysummers: H2O and whimsical fluff dancing spike sprites
graysummers: Bittabark.
graysummers: Cloudbustin'
graysummers: Sometimes stuff happens. So what !!
graysummers: What have you done? Taken....or given? Answers..Both!