Clive E Jones: Script lichen (possibly Opegrapha sp.)
Clive E Jones: Script lichen (possibly Opegrapha sp.)
Clive E Jones: Phlyctis argena (Whitewash Lichen) Confirmed
Clive E Jones: Phlyctis argena (Whitewash Lichen) Confirmed
Clive E Jones: Trametes versicolor (Turkeytail)
Clive E Jones: Cylindrobasidium laeve (= C. evolvens)
Clive E Jones: Cylindrobasidium laeve (= C. evolvens)
Clive E Jones: Lichen species
Clive E Jones: Phlyctis argena (Whitewash Lichen) (Possible)
Clive E Jones: Trentepohlia sp.
Clive E Jones: Neckera crispa (Crisped Neckera, a moss)
Clive E Jones: Neckera crispa (Crisped Neckera, a moss)
Clive E Jones: Hazel (female flower)
Clive E Jones: Tremella sp. (Yellow Brain)
Clive E Jones: Neckera crispa (Crisped Neckera, a moss)
Clive E Jones: Meta menardi (Cave Spider – male)
Clive E Jones: Meta menardi (Cave Spider – female)
Clive E Jones: Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Oak Curtain Crust)
Clive E Jones: Normandina pulchella (Elf's Ears)
Clive E Jones: Trentepohlia sp.
Clive E Jones: Strange pattern
Clive E Jones: Strange pattern
Clive E Jones: Lecidella elaeochroma (Probable)
Clive E Jones: Normandina pulchella (Elf's Ears)
Clive E Jones: Lichen from fallen Ash (probably Lecanora chlarotera, which seems to be quite variable in appearance)
Clive E Jones: Lichen from fallen Ash (probably Lecanora chlarotera, which seems to be quite variable in appearance)
Clive E Jones: Lichen from fallen Ash (probably Lecanora chlarotera, which seems to be quite variable in appearance)
Clive E Jones: Lichen from fallen Ash (Possibly Physcia aipolia)
Clive E Jones: Lichen from fallen Ash (Possibly Physcia aipolia)
Clive E Jones: Lichen from fallen Ash (Possibly Punctelia sp)