Clive E Jones:
Ochrolechia parella (Possible)
Clive E Jones:
Asplenium ruta-muralis (Wall Rue)
Clive E Jones:
Biorhiza pallida (Oak Apple Gall Wasp)
Clive E Jones:
Opilio canestrinii (a harvestman) (female)
Clive E Jones:
Opilio canestrinii (a harvestman) (female)
Clive E Jones:
Limonia nubeculosa (a cranefly)
Clive E Jones:
Limonia nubeculosa (a cranefly)
Clive E Jones:
Early Moth Theria primaria
Clive E Jones:
Dotted Border Agriopis marginaria
Clive E Jones:
Trentepohlia sp.
Clive E Jones:
Normandina pulchella (Elf's Ears)
Clive E Jones:
Normandina pulchella (Elf's Ears)
Clive E Jones:
Lecidella elaeochroma (Probable)
Clive E Jones:
Strange pattern
Clive E Jones:
Strange pattern
Clive E Jones:
Lichen from fallen Ash (probably Lecanora chlarotera, which seems to be quite variable in appearance)
Clive E Jones:
Lichen from fallen Ash (probably Lecanora chlarotera, which seems to be quite variable in appearance)
Clive E Jones:
Lichen from fallen Ash (probably Lecanora chlarotera, which seems to be quite variable in appearance)
Clive E Jones:
Lichen from fallen Ash (Possibly Lecidella elaeochroma, above, - and Lecanora sp. – probably L. chlarotera below)
Clive E Jones:
Lichen from fallen Ash (Possibly Lecidella elaeochroma, surrounded by Lecanora sp. – probably L. chlarotera, which seems to be quite variable in appearance)
Clive E Jones:
Lichen from fallen Ash (Possibly Punctelia sp)
Clive E Jones:
Lichen from fallen Ash (Possibly Physcia aipolia)
Clive E Jones:
Lichen from fallen Ash (Possibly Physcia aipolia)
Clive E Jones:
Lichen from fallen Ash (Possibly Physcia aipolia)
Clive E Jones:
Gyalecta jenensis (probable)
Clive E Jones:
Gyalecta jenensis (probable)
Clive E Jones:
Fissidens sp. (a Pocket-moss species)
Clive E Jones:
Fissidens sp. (a Pocket-moss species)
Clive E Jones:
Asplenium ruta-muralis (Wall Rue)
Clive E Jones:
Asplenium ruta-muralis (Wall Rue)