simpletones: Double Vision
lehmann.drag: Tout une vie je t’ai attendu. Un soir d’orage tu est enfin venu
davidhenrot: Coucher de soleil sur l'Arche de Port Blanc à Saint-Pierre Quiberon
Pablo RG: La Palma
mgirard011: Vestrahorn, Islande
reinaroundtheglobe: The Dutch Ones
Anto Camacho: The King
Naska Photographie: Terre de feu
José Miguel Serna: Vega de Pas
Slávka K: double sky
zoomleeuwtje: Old Zealand
nunoborgesphotos: Spring Fire
E_W_Photo: Birling Gap Sunset - Sussex
Wildlife_2010: Red squirrel
marcolemos71: c o n t i n u i t y e r r o r
Hoffmann Bodo: Wollschweber am Wiesenschaumkraut
Michel Roesink: Eekhoorn / Red squirrel / Sciurus vulgaris
Peter Halma: Early morning gold [EXPLORED]
ArturGabrych: Loch Voil
AegirPhotography: Orange Flow
albert dros: Tulips in Amsterdam
Diego Pianarosa (aka Pinku): Asini al pascolo ** EXPLORED **
Stefan Klauke: Above the Clouds
CoronaViking (mountain photography): Untouched nature of the Lofoten Islands: a half-frozen lake reflecting snow-capped mountains and clouds at sunrise - Trollfjord, Norway
Linda Martin Photography: Yum, yum - can't wait!
CResende: FRAMED ... after a long absence
drstar.: A little walk is good..
Beatriz-c: I walk through the sand of dreams ... and on my feet I feel the warmth of hope